Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Present Simple

To talk about things that happen regularly, repeatedly or all the time/ o rzeczach ktore wydarzaja sie regularnie, powtarzaja sie, lub dzieja sie niustannie.
To talk abut permanent situations/ o sytuacjac nie ulegajacych zmianie
What do frogs eat?
It always rains here in November.
I play tennis every saturday.
Manti works for an insurance company. (she was working, is working, and will be working for them)
We do not normally use the Present Simple to talk about temporary situatins or actions that are only going on around the present..
Water boils at 100 Celsius. (permanent) but The kettle is boiling- shall I make tea? (now)
It usually snows in January. but Look!- it's snowing!
But with verbs that do not have progressive (-ing) form for 'around the present meaning' we use the Present Simple.
like- I like this wine very much.
believe- I beleve you.
We do not normally use the Present Simple to talk about the future, however the Prsent Simple is usedfor 'timetable' future events.
Her train arrives at 11:40.
I start my new job tomorow.
And the Simple Present is often used instead 'will' in subordinate clauses that refer to the future. I will kill anybody who touches my possessions.
I will phone you when i get home.
The Simple Present is also used in suggestions with 'Why don't you...?'
Why don't you take a day off tomorrow?
When we talk about series of completed actions and events. In demonstrations, commentaries, instructions and present tense stories.
First I take a bowl and break two eggs into it.
Lydiard passes to Taylor, Talor shoots- and it's a goal!
How do I get to the station?- You go straight on to the traffic lights, then you turn left...
So I go into the office, and I see this man, and he says to me...
Sometimes we do things by saying special words( e.g. pomising, agreeing).
I promise never to smoke again.
I swear that I will tell the truth.
I agree.
He denies the accusations.
The simple present is used with a perfect or past meaning in introductory expressions like:
I hear, I gather, I understand, I see...
I hear you are getting married. (= I have heard this)
I see there has been trouble down there in the factory.
I gther Manti is looking for a job.
Quotations are often introduced with says:
No doubt you all remember what Hamlet says about suicide.
It says in the paper that petrol's going up again.
Note also the structure here comes and there goes...
Here comes your husband.
There goes our bus- we'll have to wait for the next one.
Verbs that refer to physical feelings e.g. feel, hurt, ache, can often be used in simple or progessive tense withot much difference of meaning.
How do you feel? or How are you feeling?
My head aches. or My head is aching.
Some fixed phrases that are used in letter-writing can be expressed either in the simple present (more formal) or in the present progressive (less formal).
We write to advise you. (less formal: We are writing to let you know...)
I enclose my cheque for 200 zloty. (less formal: I am enclosing...)
I look forward to hearing from you. (less formal: I am looking forward to hearing...)
1. Statement/twierdzenie
I go to bed early.
You go to bed early.
She/ goes to bed early.
We sleep every night.
You work all days.
They go to bed early.

Often used with/Czesto uzywany ze slowami: always, never, ever, sometimes, rarely, often, usually, frequently.
Because they indicate how freqently you do sth, we place them between operator and verb/ bo oznaczaja jak czesto cos robimy, wstawiamy je pomiedzy osobe i czasownik:
I often ride a horse.
She rarely eats chocolate.
Only it this tense, in statements, to verbs for persons he, she, it- we add suffix -s, -es/ tylko w tym czasie, w zdaniach twierdzacych liczby pojedynczej, do czasownika odmienionego przez osoby: on, ona, ono dodajemy koncówke -s/-es.
she goes
it laughs
he sings
2. Negtion/zaprzeczenie
I do not go to bed early. ( I don't go...)
You do not go to bed early.
She/ does not go to bead early
In negations the suffix -s has to be added to auxiliary do/ w zaprzeczeniach koncowka -s dodawana jest do czasownika posilkowego do.
We don't do this too often.
You don't go there at all.
They don't meet at nights.
3. Question/pytanie
To ask a simple question we would start from Do...to ask more detailed question we would start with: where/gdzie, how/jak, when/kiedy, who/kto, what/co.
Do I know you?
How do I know you?/ the w/h question word we put infront of the auxiliary do.
Do you love me?
How much do you love me?
Does he go to bed every night?
What time does he go to bed?
Does Manti remember me?
Why doesn't she remember me?
Does it sleep at night?
In questions the suffix -s has to be added to auxiliary do/ w pytaniach koncowka -s dodawana jest do czasownika posilkowego do.
Who does it want to play with?
Do we want to stay?
Do you want to stay?
Do they want to stay?
Mozna tez zapodac poetycko ''czyz ja cie nie znam?, czyz ty mnie nie kochasz?''/Don't I know you?, Don't you love me?
For questions starting with Do... simple yes/no answer will do./ dla pytan zaczynajacych sie od Do zazwycaj odpowiedz tak/nie jest wystarczajaca.
-Do you miss me Manti?
-Yes, I do.
-Does she know?
-No, she doesn't.

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